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Showing posts from March, 2008

in a near yet so far dream

not two weeks from now, I'll be holding a bachelor's degree in nursing and it's one of the greatest achievement that forever I'll be proud. way there isn't easy. but what's next after that is still a question i need to answer. Sometimes, i have to resist with what destiny has offered me to be able to fight for what my heart desires. fear is my worst enemy. it hinders the future i want. i need courage. but practically speaking, that's not what i need. i need to follow then wait for the right time. Everything happens in its own time. As they say, patience is a virtue. I just need to prepare myself for the long waiting. and relatively, plan for something productive thing to do. I need to grow while waiting.


i'm a person full of sentiments in life. and just last thursday (03-13-08) reality is again sending me signals to start bidding goodbye to one i consider as part of my being for more than 5 years. it is hard, but yeah, but i have to learn how to let go. sooner or later, i will. it's just a matter of time to heal the wounds which I accidentally create. they say, when one has to go, a better one will come. but you know, not all aims for something better. i am contented and happy with what i currently have. and that's what matters most with me. what i value is the time and the special love i alloted. it may sound funny for some to cry out loud for a blocked SIM card but it's hard to let go of something that has been part of your identification more specially on how you have been true to it.


For some reason, I decided to post something again. I'm here at a computer shop outside our village. I just went here for a change, to socialize with others other than my family and classmates. While surfing the net and touring myself in the small computer shop, a man (who happens to be my sister's classmate when they were in elementary) got my attention. He is a 4th Year high school student from Liceo de Pulilan and yet he seem to be so unsure of his actions and what he is going to do. My doubts were proven when the assistant of the computer shop went beside him and assisted him on what this student should do. The computer assistant is kind enough to stay beside him and assist him in making his autobiography through a powerpoint presentation. The assistant left him with her thought that everything that will happen next will go according to this student's plan. But she was wrong. After 1 hour of full effort of this student, he accidentally clicked the close button and the...